Automatic Car Wash Wax Equipment
Many customers want more than just a standard wash when they clean their cars. A quality polishing system is a must-have for satisfying even the most detail-oriented car owners.
That’s why NS Corporation offers the Auto Hand Wax Polishing Station for on-demand buffing. This system features a bubblizer, a roll-down mitter curtain, and a set of wrap brushes. By activating the mitter, a light show on the bubblizer, and the drop-down curtain, an operator gets a chance to wow customers.
This auto wax system is a great income producer, shows results quickly, and provides a fast ROI turnaround.

NS Wash System’s ECO Series wash systems include our patented Lammscloth brush material.
Customers will thank you by coming back again and again. Lammscloth was designed for cleaning vehicles deeply without dulling or damaging paint finishes and clear coats. Lammscloth works like hundreds of hand mitts, slowly covering the vehicle with the proper amount of soap and water, while thoroughly cleaning vehicles with a quiet and gentle “hand wash” motion. Lammscloth was proven in tests by DupontTM Performance Coatings to provide the safest, longest lasting shine in the industry. The fact is, customers feel more comfortable knowing that their “pride and joy” isn’t being whipped with harsh and forceful sounding brushes. Every business needs a competitive edge. Lammscloth is a powerful marketing tool that creates customer loyalty, which means more business for you!